Summary of Notifications issued by CBIC on 15.10.2020

Summary of Notifications issued by CBIC on 15.10.2020

Notification no.74/2020-CT dated 15.10.2020 :


Due date for filing GSTR-1 for taxpayers having aggregate turnover up to 1.5 Crore in preceding financial year or current financial year is notified. The registered person shall furnish the details of outward supplies of goods or services or both in GSTR-1 for the quarter October, 2020 to December, 2020 on or before 13.01.2021 and for the quarter January, 2021 to March, 2021 on or before 13.04.2021.

Notification no.75/2020-CT dated 15.10.2020 :

Due date for filing GSTR-1 for taxpayers having aggregate turnover more than 1.5 Crore in preceding financial year or current financial year is notified. The registered person shall furnish the details of outward supplies in GSTR-1 for the month of October, 2020 to March, 2021 till 11th day of month succeeding such month.

Notification no.76/2020-CT dated 15.10.2020

Due date for filing GSTR-3B for taxpayers is prescribed for the month of October, 2020 to March, 2021. The taxpayer shall furnish the return in Form GSTR-3B for each of the months from October, 2020 to March, 2021 on or before 20th day of month succeeding such month. Provided that the taxpayers having aggregate turnover of up to 5 crore in previous financial year and having principal place of business in the state of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, the Union territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands or Lakshadweep shall file the return in Form GSTR-3B for the months of October, 2020 to March, 2021 on or before 22nd day of month succeeding such month. Provided further that the taxpayers having aggregate turnover of up to 5 crore in previous financial year and having principal place of business in the state of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand or Odisha, the Union territories of Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Chandigarh or Delhi shall file the return in Form GSTR-3B for the months of October, 2020 to March, 2021 on or before 24th day of month succeeding such month.

Notification no.77/2020-CT dated 15.10.2020

Seeks to make filing of annual return for F.Y. 2019-20 optional for small taxpayers whose aggregate turnover is less than Rs.2 crores.

A registered person whose aggregate turnover in a financial year does not exceed two crore rupees and who have not furnished the return before the due date was be given an option to file GSTR-9 for FY 2017-18 & 2018-19 vide Notification no.47/2019-CT dated 09.10.2019.  Now vide notification 77 the taxpayer whose aggregate turnover in a financial year does not exceed two crore rupees and who have not furnished the return before the due date is given an option to file GSTR-9 for FY 2019-20 also.

Notification no.78/2020-CT dated 15.10.2020 & Notification no.06/2020-Integrated Tax dated 15.10.2020

Seeks to notify the number of HSN digits required on tax invoice.

A person having aggregate turnover up to 5 crore is required to maintain HSN at 4 digit level and the person having aggregate turnover more than 5 crore is required to maintain HSN at 6 digits level. This change is with effective from 01.04.2021. Further, it is also given that a person having turnover up to 5 crore in the previous financial year and supplying to unregistered customer (B2C) may not mention HSN on tax invoice.

Notification no.79/2020-CT dated 15.10.2020

Seeks to make the Twelfth amendment (2020) to the CGST Rules.2017. The changes are w.e.f. 15.10.2020

HSN : Rule 46 is amended to provide that a class of registered person that are required to mention HSN. And, a class of registered person that are required to mention specified number of digits of HSN and the class of registered person that are not required to mention HSN.

NIL Return: Rule 67A is amended to enable composition dealer to file NIL GST CMP-08 through registered mobile number and shall be verified by One Time Password facility. The said facility was earlier given for GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B

GSTR-9C : Rule 80(3) is amended to provide that a registered person having aggregate turnover up to 5 crore is not required to file GSTR-9C for FY 2019-20. Previously this rule was applicable to financial year 2018-19 only.

E-WAY BILL : Rule 138E is amended to provide furnishing PART-A details in E-way Bill for the period from 20.03.2020 till 15.10.2020 shall not be restricted even if GSTR-1, GSTR-3B or GST CMP-08 was not filed by the taxpayer for the period from February, 2020 to August, 2020.

Notice and demand : Rule 142 is amended to replace the word ‘shall’ with ‘may’. The rule states that a proper officer may issue a notice to the person chargeable with tax, interest and penalty and may communicate the details of tax, interest and penalty electronically in prescribed forms.

GSTR-1 amended : In GSTR-1, table 12 which provides for submission of outward HSN summary, in column no 6 for the word ‘total value’ the word ‘rate of tax’ shall be substituted. This indicates that rate of GST is also need to be furnished now and total value is not required to be furnished now onward.

GSTR-2A substituted : FORM GSTR-2A is substituted and included details of import of goods and inward supplies of goods received from SEZ units / developers. And, certain fields in respective tables have also been amended to with additional fields.

Form GSTR-9 and 9C amended : Form GSTR-9 and 9C IS amended to provide exemption from reporting certain information for FY 2019-20. Previously certain exemptions from reporting certain information was provided for FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19.

Following Forms are also amended :


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